Tag: politics

Christopher Columbus is DEAD!

Across the country, Columbus statues are being decapitated and destroyed and new protests emerge over our heroes of American history. hotlou and hot Mike #3 debate whether it’s time for Columbus to sail off from his pedestal. hotlou also discusses his perspective on Columbus, growing up on an Indian Reservation. What is the true history …

Breaking Down Police Immunity

Why are police officers so hard to hold accountable? Today Patrick Jaicomo and Anya Bidwell, both attorneys for theĀ Institute for Justice, join hotlou happy hour with answers. They have been fighting against “qualified immunity” which protects police officers from liability and any risk of consequences. Their battle for justice on behalf of James King is …

Riot Is the Language of the Unheard

Today the news comes to hotlou’s front door. hot Mike #3 and hotlou discuss the riots breaking out in Minnesota over the death of George Floyd. How can people with different political views come together to make important changes for personal safety? Does social media help or hurt our chances to start a national dialogue? …

Are you Batman or Joker?

Today we all choose a side: Batman or Joker. To dox or not to dox. hotlou fights against the common sense of theĀ  “vigilantes” who are sharing the personal information of Derek Chauvin. As one of the officers involved in the death of George Floyd, people are eager to target him, leading to a lot …

Black Man Killed in Minneapolis

Today’s show takes a turn for the more serious as we address the most recent police killing of an unarmed black man. The tragedy happened in our home state of Minnesota. Also in Minnesota, we look at the high admission number in the ICU and what it means for future reopenings. We compare the Minnesota …

Take the Murph Challenge!

Today hotlou dares YOU to take the Murph Challenge. In honor of Lt. Michael P. Murphy, this brutal workout challenge raised money for a Memorial Scholarship. Join hotlou in accepting the challenge and joining the good cause. hotlou also encourages everyone to take a moment for gratitude in this time of uncertainty. Check out the …


Today, hotlou gives a Friday news update – addressing the announcement that the Minnesota State Fair is cancelled. He also asks: Could fortune tellers be the solution to COVID-19? You can also watch this hotlou happy hour on the hotlou.com Facebook page. And tune in every weekday at 5pm EDT/4pm CDT. In addition, check out …

Is Church the Problem or Solution to COVID-19?

Today on hotlou happy hour we discuss the reopening of churches – is it too much of a risk or a way to boost spirits and track the spread? We also dive into the Simpsons predicting the future, the tyrannical nature of government in crisis, and test our own personal bias! You can also watch …

Zuckerberg robs hotlou!

Today hotlou reveals how Zuckerberg stole his ideas! hotlou news also covers how to eat and wear a mask at the same time as well the new hotlou sovereign state. You can also watch this hotlou happy hour on the hotlou.com Facebook page. And tune in every weekday at 5pm EDT/4pm CDT. In addition, check …

hotlou’s Apology Video

Today hotlou makes history as a show host who admits he was wrong! (the closest to an apology any public figure can get) hotlou and hot Mike #3 reflect on how their views of the crisis have changed. We also dive into the laws of vaccination, media conspiracy and Tik Tok! You can also watch …