Tag: ethics

Where’s Trump?

Today on another episode of hotlou SAD hour, hotlou and hot Mike #3 recap a weekend of riots across the country. When can we expect a presidential address from Trump? How has the media painted the protesters? What are we not seeing on TV? The show tackles the complex issues combined with some much-needed comedy …

Riot Is the Language of the Unheard

Today the news comes to hotlou’s front door. hot Mike #3 and hotlou discuss the riots breaking out in Minnesota over the death of George Floyd. How can people with different political views come together to make important changes for personal safety? Does social media help or hurt our chances to start a national dialogue? …

Black Man Killed in Minneapolis

Today’s show takes a turn for the more serious as we address the most recent police killing of an unarmed black man. The tragedy happened in our home state of Minnesota. Also in Minnesota, we look at the high admission number in the ICU and what it means for future reopenings. We compare the Minnesota …

Zuckerberg robs hotlou!

Today hotlou reveals how Zuckerberg stole his ideas! hotlou news also covers how to eat and wear a mask at the same time as well the new hotlou sovereign state. You can also watch this hotlou happy hour on the hotlou.com Facebook page. And tune in every weekday at 5pm EDT/4pm CDT. In addition, check …

Where’s Obama?

The question we’re all asking: where’s Obama? hot Mike #3 and I discuss the current state of our presidency and why we haven’t heard from Obama during this crisis. We debate where you should get your news along with Russian conspiracies, impeachment and reopenings. So help us search for Obama on this episode of hotlou …

Reopen Minnesota on Facebook

We talk to the creator of the Reopen Minnesota Facebook group, a popular and controversial page.  David Strom explains his reasoning behind pushing to reopen Minnesota. We take a hard look at the numbers, statistics and protests around the world. Is it time for our social distancing come to an end? You can also watch …

Controversy Over Candy?

hot mike #3 and hotlou discuss their personal controversy from the show. They discuss criticism, assumptions and bias online as well as addressing some burning questions: What are their political affiliations? Are there justifications for breaking home lock down? When is Minnesota re-opening? Dive into the controversy with us on this episode of hotlou happy …

Plandemic – Should we trust scientists? with Kent Heckenlively

New controversy ignites after the release of the new Plandemic documentary, which claims that coronavirus is just a profit scam for big pharma. In a high stakes episode of hotlou happy hour, Co-Author of Plague of Corruption, Kent Heckenlively defends his stance on the cause of the current pandemic and Plandemic film. He gives details …

Quarantine Forever? – hotlou happy hour

Today Hot Mike #3 and I discuss the decision to extend the stay at home order in Minnesota, continuing the quarantine. We also compare the US response to the rest of the world, our preparation before the crisis, and the ways the issue relates to climate change. You can also watch this hotlou happy hour …

Trump and protestors call to “Liberate Minnesota” – hotlou happy hour

Today Hot Mike #3 and I react to the “Liberate Minnesota” protest and Trump’s latest tweets in support. We also discuss the role of policymakers, the modern citizen and the president in this time of crisis. And don’t miss our breakdown of Minnesota’s sports teams and the new hope for a championship. You can watch …